Let the Insanity Begin

She’s alive! And back! Life has been manic. ComicCon one weekend, CanGames the next and then attempting to recover and take care of all the normal life stuff and holy crap where did May go? So basically, an average month in the life of me. lol.

And June may be slightly quieter but no less insane. My friend and I have decided to take on the challenge of doing 50 hours of editing on our NaNo novels over the month of June. I haven’t touched mine since NaNoWriMo ended, though I have some notes about things that I need work on in it, thanks largely to an editing workshop hosted by Derek and Marie back in February. I hope to have this novel edited sufficiently to pass it on to some first readers come the end of this year, so not having done any editing yet this challenge will make a dent in that work.

Other than that, more submissions, more rejections. I have a couple more stories drafted, inching towards my other goal for this year: to finish 6 short stories and beginning submitting them. I completed 4 short stories last year (including critiques and much editing).